Standby Generators

We supply and install whole house standby generators. The photos show a recently installed 80 kW, propane fueled, whole house standby generator that we installed including the retaining walls. We performed a site audit to determine the generator size. During the audit, we determined that the service to the house needed to be upgraded from a 200 amp service to a 400 amp service. With the number of power outages and the duration of outages increasing, a whole house standby generator may be your best solution for comfort and safety.


If you have a continuous supply of flowing water on your property, then you may want to consider hydro electricity production. With a continuous source of flowing water, power can be generated 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Sources of flowing water can range from an artesian well to a stream. Waste water can also be a source of flowing water. The important principal to remember is that flowing water has kinetic energy which can be changed into clean electrical power. Micro hydro power generation systems can be the least expensive form of power generation.

Standby Generators

With the number of power outages and the duration of outages increasing, a whole house standby generator may be your best solution for comfort and safety.


The important principal to remember is that flowing water has kinetic energy which can be changed into clean electrical power. Micro hydro power generation systems can be the least expensive form of power generation.


Today's wind turbine technology has made this renewable power generation alternative cost effective. There are a variety of wind turbines on the market today and it is important to understand how they function and what their warranties and maintenance requirements are.

Solar (Photovoltaic)

Solar power is normally abundant in most regions of the country making it more reliable than wind. Photovoltaic power generation systems also have fewer moving parts making it easier to maintain.


Wind is a source of renewable energy that most sites have available to them. Wind has kinetic energy similar flowing water but is less dense and more variable. As a result, you need an average wind speed of 11 MPH or more for a cost-effective system. Today's wind turbine technology has made this renewable power generation alternative cost effective. There are a variety of wind turbines on the market today and it is important to understand how they function and what their warranties and maintenance requirements are. For additional information, please visit Bergey WindPower at:

Solar (Photovoltaic)

Solar power is normally abundant in most regions of the country making it more reliable than wind. Photovoltaic power generation systems also have fewer moving parts making it easier to maintain. With a modular system, you can add more panels to meet your future energy needs.